Sunday 13 January 2013

The "Power Plan" to Achieve Career Success in the New Year 2013

  • talk less,listen more
  • stay aware of the moment of truth
  • invoke the wise man/woman within you,not the loser within you
  • replace dabbling with laser-beam focus on something important
  • focus at least as much on being competent as on being nice
  • spend more time with people who bring out the best in you
  • understand that success is not an accident,but a planned event
  • accept the fact that you are fully responsible for your career
  • create a detailed picture of your ideal career
  • identify clear goals based on your own definition of career success
  • know that in order to get results,you must take action
  • learn about the things that get in the way of your success
  • associate with successful people.

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