Monday 14 January 2013

Another Tibetan self-immolates in protest against Chinese rule

Washington: Now, another Tibetan man has reportedly died after setting himself on fire in a protest against China's religious and political suppression. 

The death, reported by Free Tibet and the U.S.-based Radio Free Asia, took place in Gansu province in northwestern China. 

Free Tibet said the man was 22, while Radio Free Asia put his age at 19. 

According to CNN, details of the death, as has been the case with other such incidents, are sketchy and difficult to verify. 

Self-immolation is a common form of protest for Tibetans, who want genuine autonomy from China and accuse Beijing of repression. 

Beijing rejects accusations of oppression, saying that under its rule, living standards have greatly improved for the Tibetan people. 

It makes centuries-old historical claims on the region. 

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