Saturday 12 January 2013

Samsung shows off phone with Youm flexible screen

Samsung shows off phone with Youm flexible screen

Samsung shows off phone with Youm flexible screen
By showing off a phone with a flexible screen, Samsung is hinting at a day when we might fold up our large phone or tablet screens as if they were maps. 

for more pictures and videos of this phone

UK faces drop in Indian students due to stringent visa policy

UK faces drop in Indian students due to stringent visa policy

London: Britain's stringent norms in student visa has resulted in decline of number of Indian students in higher education by nearly a quarter last year. Students from India coming to study at UK schools and universities fell by 23.5 per cent overall, including a 28 per cent drop at postgraduate level.
Figures released by the Higher Education Statistics Agency yesterday show fewer than 30,000 students from India were studying at UK higher education institutions in 2011-12, compared with around 40,000 in the previous year.
India, however, remains the second most common country of origin for foreign students in Britain after China, which sent 79,000 students last year. Universities have been warning the UK government that recent changes to student visa rules mean they face losing bright foreign students to rival colleges in the US, Canada and Australia.
Changes to the post-study work visa from April last year removed the option for most foreign students to stay and work for two years after their studies. Under new rules, students can stay for three years post-study only if they find "graduate-level jobs" on salaries of BP 20,000 or higher. Last month, Home Secretary Theresa May had announced that consular staff would interview more than 100,000 prospective students in an attempt to prevent bogus applicants entering the country.
These developments have been seen as largely responsible for making Britain seem like a less welcoming educational destination. "It is essential that we have a period of stability on immigration policy for international students and that our immigration procedures do not create inappropriate barriers for international students who want to study here," Nicola Dandridge, chief executive of Universities UK, told the Daily more

Kashmir violence: Anger builds as Pakistan summons Indian envoy

Kashmir violence: Anger builds as Pakistan summons Indian envoy

An Indian Border Security Force (BSF) soldier stands guard during a night patrol near international border fencing at Suchet Garh in Ranbir Singh Pura, Thursday, 10 Jan 2013Kashmir has been a flashpoint for more than 60 years

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Pakistan has summoned India's envoy to protest against Thursday's killing of one of its soldiers in the disputed territory of Kashmir.
It has also suspended one of the bus services that link India and Pakistani-administered Kashmir.
Two Indian and two Pakistani soldiers have been killed in the last week near the Line of Control dividing Kashmir.
On Friday, India's defence minister also said ceasefire violations had become a "matter of serious concern".
"This kind of occasional ceasefire violations and firing is a serious concern, because even though violence level in Kashmir has come down compared to the past, infiltration attempts are increasing," AK Antony told the Press Trust of India news agency.

Kashmir dispute

  • Claimed by both India and Pakistan; de facto partitioned when ceasefire line agreed in January 1949
  • Jammu and Kashmir is the only Indian state with a Muslim majority (60%)
  • Sparked wars between India and Pakistan in 1947-48 and 1965
  • Third conflict in 1999, when Pakistani-backed forces infiltrated Indian-controlled territory in the Kargil area
  • Armed revolt against Indian rule erupted in 1989, since when thousands have been killed
  • Fears it could trigger a nuclear conflict, as Pakistan and India both declared themselves nuclear powers in 1998
  • Ceasefire across Line of Control (LoC) agreed in 2003
He said India was "closely monitoring" developments and its troops were "on alert".
Claimed by both countries, Kashmir has been a flashpoint for over 60 years. Exchanges in the disputed area are not uncommon but rarely result in fatalities.
'Unprovoked' firing
Correspondents say the Pakistani and Indian governments have been trying to strike a balance between appearing firm and de-escalating tensions.
But this recent spate of skirmishes has plunged the uneasy neighbours into what could be the worst crisis in relations since the Mumbai attacks of 2008.
On Friday morning, India's army said there had been a fresh exchange of fire with Pakistani troops but no casualties were reported.
It came a day after Pakistan said one of its soldiers had been killed by "unprovoked" firing by Indian troops in the Battal sector of Kashmir.
Two Indian newspapers have suggested that the Indian army may have provoked the recent clashes.
The reports say Indian commanders breached a ceasefire accord by ordering new observation posts on the Line of Control after a 70-year-old woman crossed it unhindered last year.
After a series of isolated incidents, a Pakistani soldier was killed on 6 January in a border skirmish. Then two Indian soldiers were killed in an alleged Pakistani border attack days later. Indian officials said one of the soldiers was beheaded.
Pakistan denies Indian accounts of what happened, and the Indian army has denied any provocative actions.
India suspended a peace process with Pakistan following attacks by Pakistan-based militants in Mumbai in 2008. Negotiations resumed in February last year.
Thousands of people have been killed in Indian-administered Kashmir since an armed revolt against Indian rule erupted in 1989. There has been a ceasefire in Kashmir since late 2003.
Last month, India and Pakistan signed an agreement to ease visa restrictions on travel for some citizens.

Beijing air pollution soars to hazard level

Beijing air pollution soars to hazard level

Parking attendants in Beijing on 12 January.The air smells of coal dust and car fumes

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Air pollution in the Chinese capital Beijing has reached levels judged as hazardous to human health.
Readings from both official and unofficial monitoring stations suggested that Saturday's pollution has soared past danger levels outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The air tastes of coal dust and car fumes, two of the main sources of pollution, says a BBC correspondent.
Economic growth has left air quality in many cities notoriously poor.
A heavy smog has smothered Beijing for many days, says the BBC's Damian Grammaticas, in the capital.
By Saturday afternoon it was so thick you could see just a few hundred metres in the city centre, our correspondent says, with tower blocks vanishing into the greyness.
Hazy view
Even indoors the air looked hazy, he says.
Pedestrians wearing masks in Bejing on 12 January.Some people are wearing masks
WHO guidelines say average concentrations of the tiniest pollution particles - called PM2.5 - should be no more than 25 microgrammes per cubic metre.
Air is unhealthy above 100 microgrammes. At 300, all children and elderly people should remain indoors.
Official Beijing city readings on Saturday suggested pollution levels over 400. Unofficial reading from a monitor at the US embassy recorded 800.
Once inhaled, the tiny particles can cause respiratory infections, as well as increased mortality from lung cancer and heart disease.
Last year Chinese authorities warned the US embassy not to publish its data. But the embassy said the measurements were for the benefit of embassy personnel and were not citywide.

Palestinians protesting against settlement plan evicted

Palestinians protesting against settlement plan evicted

Israeli border police search an outpost of tents as they prepare to evacuate Palestinian protesters from the scene in an area known as E1Israeli police moved in on the site early on Sunday
Israeli police have evicted Palestinian and international activists from an area of the West Bank where Israel is planning fresh settlement building.
They had put up around 20 tents in the area called E1, between Jerusalem and the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim.
Israel's Supreme Court had ruled on Friday that the encampment could remain for six days.
Palestinians fear building in E1 would threaten the viability of a future Palestinian state.
Abir Kopty, spokeswoman for the Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee, tweeted that six people had been injured during the eviction and had been taken to hospital. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said there had been no injuries.
The activists had said they wanted to build a village on the site, calling it Bab al-Shams, after a famous novel about Palestinian history.
The prominent Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouthi was among those removed by police when the camp was evicted.
The activists' tactics in E1 had mirrored those of Israeli settlers who stake their claim to parts of the West Bank by pitching mobile homes on hilltops, known as outposts, which are not officially sanctioned, but which aim to establish "facts on the ground".
Israeli plans to develop the E1 area had been on hold for years until the Palestinians succeeded in December in having their status upgraded at the UN from an "entity" to that of a "non-member observer state", a move condemned by Israel and the US as a violation of peace accords.
The following day Israel approved "preliminary zoning and planning work" in E1, and plans for thousands of settler homes.
The US called this move counterproductive, while European governments summoned Israeli ambassadors in protest.